Monday, February 4, 2008

I'm not "a man without a country"... I'm a girl without a party.

"no country can be well governed unless its citizens as a body keep religiously before their minds that they are the guardians of the law and that the law officers are only the machinery for its execution, nothing more."

So that wonderful year is upon us. The year where America becomes divided into two, clinging to their hopeful (or maybe just best fit) candidates like magnets. I have been rolling this around in my head lately trying to decide which candidate suits my beliefs and expectations and I have decided....I need to do more research.

As a registered republican I cannot bring myself to vote based on party lines. And given my change in perspective over the last few years I don't think I should even attempt to consider myself a republican. I support civil unions (even gay marriage!), the 4th amendment, I'm pro-choice, and I do not believe religion has any place in government. That pretty much damns me from my registered party.

But I can't bring myself to be labeled as a democrate! Maybe it's the stigma my family has put on the word "Liberal"...or, I would like to think, it's the fact that there are certain issues I am passionate about and dont agree with them on either. I am anti-gun control, support the 2nd amendment, support smaller government, believe the money I make is mine, support privitizing social security, and I have some major qualms with affirmative action.

So I gave up on picking a candidate based on republican or democratic parties, and I decided to take a political quiz to help me figure out who I should vote for. The results were not surprising.

I have a libertarian philosophy of government. I was active with the libertarian party several years ago, but my ventures into the world and pre-occupation with everything but politics lead me away from them.

Learning that they still hold to the same fundamental values and beliefs that attracted me to the party in the first place, I am interested to see who they officially endorse. Ron Paul? Mitt Romney?

What conclusions will be drawn with the end of Super Tuesday?